• Ashariqa chamber organizes two training program for females in Jubail and Qatif


     Ashariqa chamber organizes two training program for females in Jubail and Qatif
    The training center in Asharqia chamber would organize two training programs for females titled “planning and decisions making skill.” In the chamber’s branch in Jubail industrial city, on October 26, 2015.  This program aims to help trainees in improving their planning and decision making skills. It will discuss many topics, most of which revolve around planning. This program targets branch managers, project managers, as well as anyone who wants to develop her management skills.
    On that point, the training center will conduct another training program in the chamber’s branch in Qatif. It will be titled “effective management skills.” The program is also for females, and it aims to explain the scope and nature of being in management position, identifying the director’s responsibilities towards himself, team, and establishment. The program will shed the light on the most essential techniques of planning and effective prioritizing, understanding the main leadership strategies, building a team, establishing a good work environment, and communication, and how essential these strategies are to effective directing.
    The center has assigned these numbers for registration: (8345900/013 extension 124, 102) or (8598209 /013) or through the website: training/www.chamber.org.sa

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